Martes, Enero 8, 2019


The first part of my article resulted to some critics. (by the way, I included that article to my blogs in other websites)
            For me, there’s nothing wrong with what I’ve wrote, needless to say that anyone has the privilege of freedom of expression- and I’m responsible of what I’ve wrote, no one is to be blamed. I do not understand why these people keep on discrediting me despite the fact that I don’t even knew them personally and vise vera. I never do any drastic actions against them, despite of what they are dong against me- to the extent of endorsing me to the higher headquarters telling lies and uttering nasty, unsolicited statements. Unfortunately, there are concerned people who revealed such “sad stories”. Thanks to you guys, on the contrary, I won’t give up, I’m not provoked to whatever you think and say against me. For me, I believe that “ends justify the means”, your grandeur desire to pin me down won’t prosper.
            And I’m right. A friend of mine confided that one among those who is really-really  “MAD” at me (that was “his” statement) realized that what I’m doing is right.(I’m happy to know this) His thoughts that what I’m teaching is beyond to the mandates. ( I am referring to the method of mentoring  to the Police Trainees undergoing Field Training Program (FTP) at my station where I am one among those Field Training Officer (FTO).) At first you may get me wrong  why I obliged these Police Trainees to maintain their Weekly Reports to be submitted to the Regional Training Service Unit (RSTU1) and subsequently furnish copies to the following: Office of the Municipal Mayor, Provincial Director (thru PHRDD), Regional Director (thru RPHRDD) and Regional Training School (Aringay) for them to be informed of the police trainees’ activities. It’s true that I am utilizing the Police Trainees for some activities such as school visitation where they (Police Trainees) impart their expertise to the students/pupils as mentors during Drug Symposiums, House to house visitation, Clean-up-Drive, Tree Planting,  and so forth. Also, I was misinterpreted when I let them  (Police Trainees) to undergo Basic Life Support and Civil Disturbance Management where I invited  credible SWAT and WASAR instructors WITOUT PAY!!! I was questioned... and critisized. My contemporaries received unsolicited text message to clandestinely observe what I’m doing as their FTO. What I am expecting are their “PRAISES” or simple congratulation to my best effort  to teach these newly breed in our organization, who knows? Someday they will become the future Officers in the Philippine National Police. These Police Trainees will soon report at NCRPO- how well they’ve been molded by their mentors coming from Police Regional Office 1. Which is better- to teach them to prepare in the world of law enforcer or to become “BROOD OF VIPERS” just like other colleagues endulged in illicit activities?
            My dismay to my critics who never understand my intention- my little intention. I just want that my legacy as their FTO will remain in their hearts and that these students are ready enough to face the challenges in their field of endeavor. We all knew that those who belong to Rank and File are those who are involved in petty crimes. So if these Police Trainees will learn NOTHING from their FTOs during their FTP, surely they will follow he footsteps of our forefathers in uniform who are CORRUPT, ABUSIVE ERRING PERSONNEL. Our government spends millions of pesos for trainings, so to speak. It is our responsibility to train these students to become law enforcer with a sense of ownership, accountability and dignity. For them to be part of catalyst of change of the tarnished image of the Philippine National Police and to respond to the call of our new Chief PNP in line of developing a new policing culture trough PATROL 101.
            To my critics, please be reminded our call of duty. Let us help one another to exert our utmost efforts to be more effective and efficient mentors to our brethren. Let us forget about “PROFESSIONAL JEALOUSY”. We are all mentors, we should abide with the Canon of Mentoring- notwithstandingly how “GOOD” we are or How WELL-ENTRENCHED we are. And when we t

each, we should not brag to one another, whether you are better than me. What matters is- how “MUCH” is our contribution in “MOLDING” our brothers in uniform. Kindly STOP making FALSE statements against me and do your job as well.

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