Martes, Enero 8, 2019

Is there any professional jealousy in your organization ?
It exists of course in any organization and the Philippine National Police  is not an exemption especially between and among the Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs) and the Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCOs). Oftentimes PCOs who hold supervisory positions under estimte the capabilities of the Rank and File which resulted to “Demoralization”, “Disloyalty”, “Non-Commitment”, “Conflict of Interest”, “Dysfunctional”, “Miscommunication” “Competition” and Professional Jealousy”, among others which affects the organizational development.
This is true especially in the Police Station level where the “Privilege of the Senior Officer” is no longer being observed (oftentimes). For some reasons, several cases were already referred to higher headquarters, whereby Rank and File involved were reassigned to other Units without due process. On the contrary, there were also cases that Rank and File disrespect senior officers and worse, manipulate Senior officers to discredit their “opponents”. I knew one Officer whom I used to respect him- with high regards and empathy because of his benevolent endeavors and invaluable services. In fact he is one among those Officers who is one among the best mentor I ever meet. Unfortunately, he questioned my credibility as an Instructor/Mentor/Facilitator. I told him that I nee not to brag myself and advise him to ask my students- How efficient- How effective- How well I teach or maybe browse my profile to see for himself the prominent figures who signed my numerous awards and commendations for my exemplary performances as lecturer. Yet this Officer reiterated to “EVALUATE” me. Of course, I am offend
ed- so I asked him- his “authority” to “evaluate” me. So, to make the story short, he blocked me not to teach in that institution, tried to convinced the staff to delete my name in the list of Pool of Instructors. That is the “Professinoal Conduct” of this bemedaled Officer! I never regret it anyway. I’ve been part of that Institution and I’m proud of my “little contributions” to that Institution. There were lot of people who believe in my credibility/capability . I pity this Officer who “exalted” himself, unknowingly, He thought that he succeeded to pin me down.. I believe in “karma”. I believe that “more words uttered against me- will be taken against him. I wished you luck Sir, may your Professional Jealousy” will come to an end.

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